Taurus and Libra Love Compatibility
It seems like a good fit. Venus rules both signs, therefore they are lovers at heart. Both appreciate good art, music, and simply beautiful things. They would make an extremely stylish couple. However, once they get past the surface, there is little substance to this lovely relationship. Taurus and Libra have opposing perspectives on love, wealth, and communication, making it difficult for them to coexist for more than a season.
As previously said, they have a few advantages. Taurus admires Libra's warm, romantic temperament and is drawn to their energy like a moth to a flame. Libra values Taurus' almost limitless dedication, dependability, and trustworthiness. The Bull is patient, so they won't mind if Libra takes hours to get ready. Both are easygoing, so there won't be many little disagreements. Venusians appreciate exquisite meals, collecting art, and engaging in luxurious experiences (maybe a little too much). If they live together, they can make a lovely environment. They are a nice and welcoming pair.
Flirtatious Libra will have no trouble enticing Taurus into bed, but overcoming the Bull's inhibitions will be difficult. Taurus is a devoted lover, sensuous and passionate, ready to gratify the pleasure-seeking Libra. Libra is a romantic at heart, therefore lovemaking for them involves candles, rose petals on the bed, and smut reminiscent of trashy romance books. All of these things will make Taurus uneasy. Meanwhile, Taurus can be overly muscular in bed, which might irritate the sensitive Libra, who dislikes being manhandled. Libra may eventually tire of Taurus' same-old sex routine and end the relationship—they always get the most pleasure from seduction, after all.
Despite being controlled by the same planet, Taurus and Libra could hardly be more dissimilar. The signs are quincunx, or five signs apart, which means they share almost nothing in terms of temperament or personality. Sure, they both value quality, but Taurus has more traditional tastes, whereas Libra is concerned with the latest trends. Taurus is a saver and Libra is a spender, therefore the couple's finances are a source of tension. Taurus is more of a homebody, whereas Libra is a social butterfly. Taurus is easily irritated by Libra's indecision, while Libra cannot deal with Taurus' closed-mindedness and stubbornness. One sees in color, whilst one sees in black and white.
Jealousy will eventually kill the romance here. Libra, being deeply charming and flirtatious, may unintentionally breach limits, which will infuriate the possessive Taurus. The more Taurus clings to Libra, the more the Scales desire to depart, reluctant to be held down by anybody.
Trust is the most important factor here. Taurus should set their possessive attitude aside and understand that Libra will not abandon them simply because they are connected to someone else. Libra needs to learn to appreciate Taurus' hard work and how much they contribute to their shared lifestyle. Taurus isn't boring; they're organized. If these two can learn to appreciate one another, they could form a loving and sensual couple.