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Taurus and Aries Love Compatibility

Taurus and Aries Love Compatibility

The Bull and Ram are a hot-and-heavy combination from the start, with each sign sensuous and passionate, resulting in fireworks in bed. However, there isn't much going for this duo. Aries' fiery temper clashes with Taurus' stubborn patience, resulting in a standoff. Aries likes change, whilst Taurus craves routine. Despite being one sign apart, they couldn't be more different in terms of temperament and life perspectives.

Despite their obvious contrasts, the beginning of an Aries/Taurus relationship is a wonderful thing: lavish compliments, gifts, lively conversation, and unwavering commitment. Taurus, as ambitious people, can assist Aries stay grounded and solid, while Aries can inspire the Bull to dream greater. Aries courageously pursues adventure, and Taurus provides a firm strategy for getting there—as well as a beautiful house to return to. Aries can make money, while Taurus can create a budget. Aries provides the necessary enthusiasm to keep the romance alive, while Taurus provides the steadiness to keep the partnership going. Taurus provides a solid foundation for Aries.

But where does the Aries-Taurus dynamic show the brightest? The bedroom. They are both very sensual and passionate about making love. Aries' fiery energy may energize Taurus, while Taurus can supply the physical presence that Aries require. Aries is emotional in sex, while Taurus is tender, resulting in an ideal combination of powerful lovemaking.

Unfortunately, even in bed, they have some compatibility concerns. Impatient Aries may feel upset by Taurus' languid pace in the bedroom. Aries loves to get right to the main event, whereas Taurus prefers foreplay. Inventive Aries may find Taurus' uninspired lovemaking a tad boring. Taurus, on the other hand, dislikes how aggressive Aries is in bed and how selfish they are, especially given how much attention Taurus requires at home. Finally, sex between them might grow old rapidly.

This couple issues with compatibility on multiple levels. They are simply two separate people. Aries is impetuous and always looking for new experiences, but Taurus is reluctant to make up their mind and dislikes change. Both attributes irritate the other to the point of lunacy. Aries values independence and individualism. However, Taurus is possessive and will interpret Aries' persistent desire for freedom as rejection, yelling, "Why don't you want to be with me?" This will make Aries feel trapped, prompting them to flee. Taurus desires a home and a family, whilst Aries desires freedom, and this will be the ultimate deciding factor in their partnership.

The greatest thing this couple can do is learn to compromise, which neither of them is naturally good at. Taurus learns to take risks and break free from routine, but Aries must learn that settling down does not mean giving up their wanderlust. Aries and Taurus have a lot of great lessons to teach each other—if they only listen!

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