Taurus Facts:
Intelligent, sarcastic, defiant, fierce, rebellious, problem solver, loyal, lie detector, protector, visionary, and adventurous
Taurus Problem:
You are horrible and slow at articulating your emotions when dating.
Taurus Pet Peeves:
Being rushed, interruption, rapid changes, lack of common sense, ignorance, and hunger.
Taurus Motto:
Don't speak; act. Don't tell, show. Do not make promises; instead, prove them.
Things Taurus Appreciates:
You value a strong work ethic, honesty, and straightforwardness.
Things Taurus are well versed:
Sarcasm has the potential to murder people. You may readily discern people's actual motives. You're immune to dumb comments.
Things That Taurus Can’t Compromise:
Intelligence, independence, security, and money
Best Adviser for Taurus:
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Things That Only Taurus Can Do:
You will think of your loved ones all day but never text them. You can anticipate them to phone or text you.
Things Taurus Gets Frustrated With:
You become frustrated when you have to say the same thing twice. You do not rephrase, interpret, or explain things. You just assume people are stupid if they don't comprehend.
The Hardest Thing for Taurus:
The most difficult thing for you is accepting the wrong things that happen to you. You are emotionally hurt in this situation. You have a propensity to take things personally.
Things Taurus Hate:
You despise it when strangers or others outside of your immediate circle discuss your personal life. You dislike discussing your past and hearing about your ex-partner's life. You don't enjoy cleaning up after others. You despise being kept in the dark about things. You get upset by last-minute alterations.
Two Things Taurus Should Remember:
When you are alone, you should be mindful of your thoughts. When you're with other people, you should be careful what you say.
Playlist for Taurus:
Your musical taste is broad and diverse. You have music for every emotion and notion. You'll be involved in the hard stuff, the soft stuff, and things that provide a profound and meaningful experience. You express your emotions and thoughts through music. You are an expert at expressing your emotions through music.