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Libra Annual Forecast

Annual Forecast 2020

This year will be of mixed reactions for Libra. At the beginning of the year Saturn is located in the third house and from 24th January Saturn will move into the fourth house and initiate Saturn's dhaiyaa (two and half years). Thus health will keep fluctuating. Conditions at work will not be good. You shall have to face challenges at every step. Problems related to stomach, backache etc. may trouble you. Casual attitude towards health will be dangerous. Librans are well-behaved, tactful and have,good busiíness acumen. You will work very hard and put in lots of effort in business this year. You will get positive results too, but up to a limit. You will implements new plans and ideas
for expanding your business. But that plan will not span out as you planned. You will definitely have to face unfavorable results while dealing with court cases, legal matters etc. You may have to wander from one hearing to another. Your court cases will go on for a long time. After loads of effort from your side, you will increase production but somewhere you will be a bit weak in quality. Mars will be located at the seventh house, thus cordial relationships will continue. The couples will have better understanding and support for each other. After 24th January Saturn will start moving which will start creating problems in your concentration and knowledge acquisition.At the start of the year, Mars is at second house, you will get money However, this position of Mars will also allow you to
solve problems that were disturbing for you building your house. There are possibilities of purchasing land, house,, vehicles, flats etc. You will form a perfect balance between happiness-sadness, profit loss, etc. Scientific viewpoint andd high thought process will help you move forward. Your desires will be fulfilled. After 23rd September, Rahu will enter Taurus which will create health problems for you. The people of Libra cannot tolerate injustice and unjust policies. As soon as you will see something wrong you will take an action which will be not good for you as people will become your enemies for no reason. The ruler of service, Saturn will start moving int the fourth house which means that you'll start taking your job more seriously; the results of your carelessness can be fatal. You will have to listen from your boss or senior officials. You should do every task very carefully. The results of even a minor mistake can be dangerous. From 14th May to 13th September, due to the movement of Jupiter, a relative will be admitted in a hospital. Husbands and wives will fight over minor issues. Court cases and legal matters that have been going on for a long time will gain momentum now but they still will not get solved. There will be an increase in your fame and self-respect. Most important thing, do not sign any paper or documents without going through it properly. You may get betrayed too. An unfortunate incident can happen to your relative or a distinguished person. You will help to a friend in need. You will have to work very hard.

Physical Health- This year your health will be a bit low. This will be due to the effect of Saturn. You may suffer from the problems related to legs, back pain and stomach related ailments. Drive your vehicles carefully during this period. Take extra care of your mother's health too. You will suffer
from seasonal diseases like cold, fever, etc. After May month you will have to visit a surgeon. Be alert towards diabetes and heart related diseases. Chant Mahamrityunjay.

Trade, Business and Wealth: Librans are good at business. With your intelligent insight you will take decisions that will give you profit. However, you will have to face some problems and obstacles at the beginning of these decisions. But your profits will be not as much as you expected. Keep an eye on the activities of your partner. Everyone will appreciate your kindness and politeness at work. From 11th May to 29th September, Saturn will be at the fourth house. Thus, you can  be betrayed in finance matters. Avoid giving loan, otherwise it will be difficult to recover. Your entire focus at work will be to increase production, but you will have to do compromise with quality there. Old orders may get canceled. This year, after 23rd September, Ketu will enter the second house. Thus it is necessary for you to keep a check on your extravagance. Do not trust anyone with blind eyes on the matter of money. Do not mingle with strangers or. unknown people. You will work very hard to
achieve your targets at work. You will have to hear from your boss or senior officers on not being able to achieve your targets. The feuds that have been going on for property will be solved by you. You will solve the feuds through dialogue or with the help of an elder. Since the affects of Saturn are
on you, do not sign any papers or documents without reading them. Do your work with patience and dedication.

Home, family and relatives: There can be misunderstandings between husbands and wives. However these misunderstandings and arguments will be ended soon. There will be expenses on your child's education, marriag etc. this year. From 11th May to 29th September, the health of your parents or some elder member can be worsen. Do not be careless in the matter of health. You can have feuds
with your brothers.over property matters or wills. Do not expect much help and support from your relatives. During this period your relatives will criticize you and point out your mistakes. Keep an eye on your child's activities. Take care that they should not divert on the wrong track.

Education and career: Before 30h March, Jupiter will be at the first house. This time you will have favorable results. You will gain success in competitive tests. Do not waste your valuable time in games, fun and entertainment. Students have to pay attențion to their studies. Seriousness and focus
towards targets will only help you to achieve them. From 30th March to 30th June, due to the inffuence of Jupiter, the students will be diverted from studies. Stay away from social media, internet and love relations during this time. Your entire career depends on your studies. Keep chanting Vidyanidhye namah" It will help students achieve success. You may receive an increment or promotion at your job orworkplace.

Romance and Friends: This year you will find success in your love relations. This year you will be superior in relationships. The effect of Venus is more on the people ofLibra zodiac. Thus by trusting their emotions too much they easily get attracted to people of the opposite genders. I would call this a disadvantage for all Librans. Do not compromise with your career for the sake of your love relations. The negative consequences of your love relations can also affect your family and professional life. Hence use your intelligence and be patient.

Vehicle, expenses and auspicious work: This year you will have to spend for repairing and maintenance of yourr vehicle. However,'the chances of you buying a new vehicle are less. At the start of the year, Mars will be at thė second house thus the chances of a new vehicle are high before February 2020 but after that it will be low. You may have to spend a lot for your child's education other requirements. Your expenses will be on higher side. Another thing that I would like to say that drive your vehicles very carefully and safely. Leave all your bad habits and bad society. Always wear helmet (bike) and safety belt (car). Some auspicious ceremony will takeplace at your house after August.

Loss, loan and mishappenings: This year, there will be influence of Saturn's dhaiya two & half years on your zodiac after 24th January. Hence the chances of financial losses are there. Thus all your investment decisions in work or business must be taken after a lot of thinking and wisdom. Do not get
swayed by anyone's flattery or give into temptation.If you are into job, then your enemies and opponents can entangle you in their secret plans and conspiracies. As for loans, this year you may have to take loan. Obviously to increase earnings is not in your hands but by controling your expenditure, you can balance your budget. From 11th May till 29th September, Saturn will be moving in a curvaceous path, hençe there are chances of you or any of your relatives being involved in an unfortunate incident.

Travels: This year due to the influence of lower Jupiter between 30th March and 30th June, you may undertake some short journeys, but the results of these trips undertaken for business or work, will not be positive. However you may also plan a vacation to a tourist spot or go for a pilgrimage this year.

Remedy: In order to get the best results and maximum output from this year, you should wear Opel studded Shukra yantra around your neck. For strengthening your fate, offer seven flowers of Mogra for seven Fridays in a water reservoir. Seek the blessings of Goddess Durga. Use as much perfumed
liquid, scented sprays as you. can. On Fridays bathe with that water to which little raw milk has been added. Also wear American Diamond or pure diamond studded silver ring in your ring finger.

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